Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Norm The Magnificent?

 Ok, there is a problem I ran into while changing the hair to what I pictured, and maybe one of you will have a solution. As pictured below, when I turn the head (or rather do any motion which moves the head from the original position, like move the COG), that middle piece of hair wants to stay put. Does that make sense? Uhhh... :\


  1. I really like this one. I'm not sure what is wrong with the hair, I would need to see the maya file to figure out what was wrong.

    1. Yes please to you seeing the Maya file! Will you be in the art building tonight? I'll text you, haha

  2. i like the head shape, but i think his face looks a little young

    1. Cool. Suggestions on how to achieve that Aaron? I was definitely battling with that age issue. I totally welcome any input!

  3. there are some controls for his cheeks. you could add some wrinkles around the mouth and maybe give him more of a defined bag/ or wrinkle under the eyes.
    lastly, you could possible try making his skull more defined. i'm not sure how well it would work, but cheekbones more defined or a more defined forehead. again, not as important as adding in some wrinklage.

  4. Kim, Jake and I are trying to figure out how to add the wrinkles onto him. I also like how Kim's norm is looking so far.
